Therapy Options

Massage and Treatment Options

Lymph Drainage Therapy

Is a hands-on technique that enhances the fluid movement of the lymphatic system. This technique is vital for aiding your body’s ability to detoxify, flush out stagnant fluids, regenerate tissues, and maintain a healthy immune system. LDT promotes a deep state of relaxation, and is very beneficial for reducing edema, lymphedema, chronic pain and inflammation. The same process can also aid with weight loss. A more vigorous form of LDT is specifically for reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Craniosacral Therapy

Is a very gentle approach to body work, and deeply soothing to the central nervous system. By the time we are adults, most of us have accrued a number of injuries. We may go to physical therapy, or exercise programs but generally we do not return to the level of function we had previously. Our bodies make compensation through the connective tissue; fascia. These changes may not be limited to the area of injury; they may be more like ripples on a pond throughout the body. CST addresses the intertwined and overlapping relationships of the connective tissue to restore ease of movement and improved function.

CST can help with a wide range of ailments including migraines, headaches, concussion symptoms chronic neck and back pain, chronic stress and tension, TMJ, scoliosis, PTSD, fibromyalgia, orthopedic problems, and many other conditions.

Myofascial Release

Your fascia is the web-like connective tissue that surrounds and penetrates all other tissues and cells in your body from your head to your feet and everything in between. We don’t notice it when it’s healthy and mobile. But after surgery, injury or inflammation you might feel like movement has stopped somewhere in one or more directions. You may feel pain, however nothing shows up on on conventional testing. This means that fascia has become stuck and is restricting movement. MFR uses a firm touch to contact the restricted area and small movements to slowly bring ease of movement back to the tissues. MFR will make lymph drainage therapy far more effective for people whose fluid movement is restricted by scar tissue. MFR is an outstanding therapy for people who have not found relief from their deep restrictions by any other means.

Massage For The ChildBearing Year

Includes a combination of techniques to help promote the health and well being of women during all phases of the childbearing year, from pre-pregnancy through postpartum. Massage during pregnancy will aid in easing the emotional stress and discomforts of a changing body and life, and help prepare a woman for birth.

Healing Stone Massage

In an intensely relaxing experience that combines various types of massage and body work with hot, warm and cool stones. This therapy is especially beneficial to those with chronic stress and pain and can promote deep relaxation.

Swedish Massage

Uses a combination of kneading and stroking to relieve tight muscles and aid in relaxation.


Is a latex-free, stretchy cotton tape that can be used for joint alignment, to enhance or inhibit muscle contraction and also for lymph drainage. Persistent injuries can benefit from the added support of the tape which can be left in place for up to 5 days.

Dolphin Neurostim/Micro-Current Point Stimulation

Is a hybrid modality that utilizes low frequency micro-current stimulation along with principles of acupuncture, neural, trigger point and other therapies for pain relief and the reduction of scar tissue and adhesions.

Not sure what you need? let Erin use her skills and intuition in creating a blend of techniques tailored to your unique goals.

Take responsibility
for your health!

Reducing swelling and inflammation will ease pain and speed up healing with any kind of surgery. As long as you have no complications of signs of infection, I can work on you as early as 24 hours after surgery with your doctor’s permission.

Planning Ahead For Successful Surgery

For everyone considering surgery: I am glad you are doing your research! I have important information for you. I have treated hundreds of people who have had a wide variety of surgeries, including cancer, orthopedic and cosmetic. And, people who have chronic swelling from post-surgical complications, health issues and lymphedema.

If you were going to run a marathon; you would train for months. The marathon in this case is your post-surgery recovery. My advice to everyone is: get in the best possible condition prior to any surgical procedures. Join a gym or exercise on your own, change your diet and relationship with food. Get down to a healthy weight and BMI. Make a healthy lifestyle and diet your way of life. I strongly recommend adopting an anti inflammatory diet and learning to stay hydrated. Every little change you make counts and will benefit you.

For those of you who require surgery for cancer: My thoughts are with you. If you will be having lymph nodes removed or irradiated as part of your treatment plan, please contact me prior so I can give you information that will hopefully help you avoid developing lymphedema.

For those of you who need orthopedic surgery: You’ve probably come to this decision after ongoing pain and disability. Think of this planning period as your gateway to a more active life. You have the ability to make small changes prior o surgery that will improve your surgical outcome and speed up your recovery and mobility. If you have swelling, I recommend having a lymph drainage therapy session prior to your surgery to flush out all the debris and inflammation. Less swelling prior to surgery means healthier tissues for the surgeon to work with.

Getting down to a healthy weight prior to lower-body orthopedic surgery is important because every pound you lose is about four pounds less pressure on your legs. And, you will be over-using your upper body while you recover. The less weight you have to carry around the better to save your shoulders. All the same points apply; stay hydrated, stick with an anti-inflammatory diet, and get in the best possible condition prior to surgery.

For those of you with lymphedema; caused by health issues, surgery or an inborn defect of the lymphatic system. Please do not have surgery on the edematous area under any circumstances if you can avoid it. I can provide education as well as hands-on therapy that can help you to reduce your fluid load.

For those of you planning body sculpting surgery; the same information applies to you. Most of these cosmetic surgeries are intended to ‘get a jump start on having a nicer body’. The problem is that by having surgery especially when you are overweight and in poor physical condition your have set yourself backwards by by many months in your journey for health and beauty. Get in the best possible condition prior to any surgical procedures.